Saturday, February 23, 2013


So I thought it would be fitting for my first post of 2013 to be a kind of update/insight into what I am currently doing media/journalistically!

As any university student would gleefully be aware - uni holidays are pretty great. Close to four months of endless summer with nothing to do except enjoy yourself. And work to pay off student loans. And if you are a journalism student - cram full with as much experience as you can get!

I've been extremely lucky with my course in that i've been able to hear about loads of great opportunities in all mediums - radio, TV and online, which I did throughout the semester.

So things I've been up to recently...

1. I wrote a book! (kind of)

With summer holidays stretching out ahead of me like a never ending road, I thought it might be a wise idea to do something productive in that time.

A friend, Broede, approached me a few weeks in, asking if i'd be interested in pitching for the role of Editor with him for our university's O-Book. It's basically a book produced by the Student Union and funded by SSAF that is jam packed full of all the information new students could possibly need, from how to renew library books, survive the timetabling system, places to eat and drink and how not to have sex in student accommodation (or at least that's what we put in!)

In a team of three (Broede and I and the hugely talented advertising student Alia) went for our interview, knees knocking - and we got it! What followed was an incredible two months, where we followed the project from conception - coming up with content ideas and themes, lots of writing, stress, designing, editing and tweaking, to finally sending it off to the printers. The final copy is to be delivered tomorrow and I am so unbelievably excited to see it! I think it will be so fantastic to see something in the flesh, given the blood, sweat and tears that went in to making it.

2. The Smitten Guide

For a good half of last year I was involved in the arts and culture show Artsmitten on SYN 90.7FM, producing 'The Smitten Guide' - a weekly arts guide to Melbourne, giving you something to do every day of the week. It was a great way to develop and polish some radio recording skills as well as giving me lots of great things to do in my spare time. The EP approached me this year asking me if i'd like to continue doing it - and I said yes!

To hear The Smitten Guide, tune into 90.7fm from 4pm every Sunday, stream it live from or visit

3. 1700

Also last year, I heard about auditions being held for the ch 31 youth-produced live music show 1700, and thinking I had nothing to lose, applied. I was chuffed to be called for an audition, close to wetting myself with nerves when i got there and absolutely speechless when I found out I'd been successful! It was an amazing twelve weeks - interviewing bands, coming up with original, entertaining, music-related content, writing music news and discovering some incredible local musical talent! (I suppose it didn't hurt that i was partnered with the best co-host ((Sam)) and crew and producer!)

With the first season of 2013 ahead, more auditions were held, and having had such an incredible time last year, I was really keen to keep on with it. I was so much more relaxed this time, having been through the process before (although the pressure was on to get it again!)

1700 Halloween special, last season!
The TV gods were smiling on me though, and you'll soon be able to see me on Monday from 5pm on Ch 31 (digital 44)

4. ONYA Magazine

ONYA magazine is a fantastic online magazine about all things Australian - whether it be politics, fashion, beauty, arts or culture. I was lucking enough to meet the editor, Sandi Seiger, at a Maggie Alderson book talk at the bookshop I used to work at. I asked a question about how to get experience, and Sandi introduced herself to me at the end of the talk, gave me her card and said to give her a call! I've been extremely lucky to have been given a few assignments for ONYA, including my review of the Sydney Dance Company's production '2 One Another' as well as a few other personal pieces. Check out my latest piece, an interview with the lovely and talented illustrator Emma Leonard, published yesterday!

That's pretty much a round-up of all the media related things i've been up to - I'm hoping to sort out maybe an internship sometime this year - so wish me luck with all the applications!

If you've been up to anything exciting this summer, let me know in the comments below!